Marriage | Homeland Security
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  3. Marriage


If you are newly married, take a moment to review your employee benefits, and make any changes that this happy event might require.

Visit the OPM Life Events webpage, review and/or update your insurance coverage for your healthcare (FEHB), dental and vision (FEDVIP), life insurance (FEGLI), long term care insurance (FLTCIP), and flexible spending account (FSAFEDS).

Be sure to keep your designation of beneficiary forms up-to-date for Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), and Unpaid Compensation. If you don’t submit designation of beneficiary forms, survivor benefits will be paid based on a statutory order of precedence.

Contact your Component Benefits Officer with any questions.

NOTE: You have a 90-day period beginning 31 days before and ending 60 days after a marriage or other qualifying life event to change your FEHB, FEDVIP, FSAFEDS, or FEGLI enrollment. For more information on enrollment eligibility by qualifying life event, visit the OPM Life Events webpage.

Last Updated: 02/03/2023
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