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This page and its contents reflect language used at the time of publication and may include terminology no longer used by the Department.

Evaluation and Evidence Plans

The Department of Homeland Security evaluation and evidence-building plans outline areas for evidence to improve program and policy effectiveness, assess progress toward outcomes, and inform resource management.

If you would like to provide feedback on the DHS FY2022-2026 Learning Agenda or Annual Evaluation Plans, please email the DHS Evaluation Officer at DHSLearningAgenda@hq.dhs.gov.

The learning agenda is a plan for the Department’s strategic investment of resources in evidence building to ensure the best evidence is available for pressing decisions and high-priority functions

Annual evaluation plans describe a subset, designated “significant,” of the Department’s evaluation work for a given fiscal year. 

The evaluation policy affirms the Department’s commitment to and expectations for conducting rigorous, relevant evaluations and to using evidence from evaluation to inform programs, policies, and organizational operations.

Capacity Assessments report periodic assessments of the coverage, quality, methods, effectiveness, and independence of evaluation, research, analysis, and statistics efforts of the Department

Last Updated: 03/13/2024
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