Exhibit 300: Capital Asset Plan and Business Case Summaries, Fiscal Year 2013 | Homeland Security
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Exhibit 300: Capital Asset Plan and Business Case Summaries, Fiscal Year 2013

The Exhibit 300: Capital Asset Plan and Business Case Summary supports the budget justification and reporting requirements for major information technology (IT) and non IT investments as required by OMB Circular No. A-11 Part 7, Section 300: Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets (PDF, 26 pages - 386 KB).

In accordance with the administration’s transparency initiatives, the Office of Management and Budget launched a Federal Information Technology (IT) Dashboard. It promotes accountability by making the $75 billion in federal IT spending more transparent.

The IT Dashboard contains data received from agency Exhibit 300 submissions, also known as the Major IT Investments. The CIO has initiated program assessments for all IT programs on the OMB IT Dashboard. Read the completed assessments referenced on the IT Dashboard.

The Non-IT Exhibit 300s are shown below, because they are not included on the IT Dashboard.

Last Updated: 12/17/2021
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