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Find Flood Maps and Insurance

Flooding is America's number one natural disaster, and all it takes is a few inches of water to cause major damage to your home and its contents. You can get flood insurance for as little as $171 a year (as of April 2018, for a Preferred Risk Policy. This price is for a single family, no basement/no enclosure home used as a primary residence with $20,000 building coverage and $8,000 contents coverage). Be aware that most policies take 30 days to go into effect, so the time to prepare is now.

Flooding can happen anywhere, but certain areas are especially prone to serious flooding. To help communities understand their risk, flood maps (Flood Insurance Rate Maps, FIRMs) have been created to show the locations of high-risk, moderate-to-low risk and undetermined-risk areas. These are the maps used by citizens, government, insurance agents and banks to determine whether flood insurance is required.

Last Updated: 06/28/2022
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