FOIA Fee Structure and Waivers | Homeland Security
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FOIA Fee Structure and Waivers

FOIA provisions allow us to recover part of the cost of complying with your request.

Fees are assessed in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security FOIA/PA regulations, based on three categories of requestors:

  • Commercial requesters—charged for search time, document review, and duplication
  • News media, educational, and scientific requesters—charged for duplication only after the first 100 pages
  • All other requesters—charged for search time (after two hours) and duplication (the first 100 pages are free)

Current Departmental fees are:

  • duplication at 10 cents per page
  • clerical search/document review at $4.00/15 minutes
  • professional search/document review at $7.00/15 minutes
  • managerial search/document review at $10.25/15 minutes

We do not charge when assessable fees are less than $14.

Your submission of a request will be deemed to be an implicit commitment to pay up to $25 in fees, unless you indicate a higher amount or request a fee waiver (see below).

You will be promptly notified if the anticipated fees exceed $25.

Multiple FOIA requests by a single requester related to the same issue will be aggregated for the purpose of assessing fees.

Last Updated: 09/27/2023
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