Avoid delays by filing your request online! Almost all DHS FOIA offices use a portal that allows you to create an account to submit and track requests and download any released records. Using the portal ensures you receive your response as efficiently as possible.
DHS Portals
DHS OIG and USSS – Please scroll down for their contact information.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Status and online resources FOIA Policy & Compliance
Direct FOIA requests to the appropriate component contact as listed below. Before submitting a FOIA request you should first search the available FOIA records, Component FOIA Libraries, Privacy FOIA Library and Major Information Systems.
Roman Jankowski - Chief Privacy Officer/Chief FOIA Officer
Catrina Pavlik-Keenan- Deputy Chief FOIA Officer
Jimmy Wolfrey - Sr. Director, FOIA Operations and Management
Eric Neuschaefer - Sr. Director, FOIA Litigation and Policy
Zuleitza Villafuerte - Public Liaison (Acting)
Submit a request to DHS Headquarters (HQ) Privacy Office (PRIV) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: foia@hq.dhs.gov
Public Liaison (Acting) DHSFOIAPublicLiaison@hq.dhs.gov
Submit a request to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Freedom of Information Act Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C 20229-1181
Mail Stop 1181
CBP FOIA Public Liaison: CBPFOIAPublicLiaison@cbp.dhs.gov
Phone: 202-325-0150
CBP Website
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: foia@hq.dhs.gov
Public Liaison (Acting) DHSFOIAPublicLiaison@hq.dhs.gov
Create a DHS SR account to avoid delays.
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: foia@hq.dhs.gov
Submit a request to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by creating a SecureRelease account.
FOIA Officer
500 C Street, S.W., Room 840
Washington, D.C. 20472
Phone: 202-646-3323 | Fax: 202-646-3347 | E-mail: fema-foia@fema.dhs.gov
Submit a request to Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Freedom of Information Act Officer
Building #681, Suite B187
1131 Chapel Crossing Road
Glynco, GA 31524
Phone: 912-267-3103 | Fax: 912-267-3113 | E-mail: fletc-foia@dhs.gov
Submit a request to the Federal Protective Service (FPS) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-794-2210 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: fpsfoia@fps.dhs.gov
Effective 3/5/2025, DHS is no longer accepting hard copy (mail) or emailed requests for Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) records within Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM). To ensure timely processing of your request, you must submit your request for OBIM IDENT records through our portal. Submit a request to OBIM by creating a login here: SecureRelease™ Portal.
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-Mail: foia-obim@hq.dhs.gov
Affirmation Declaration Documents | Homeland Security (dhs.gov)
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: foia@hq.dhs.gov
Public Liaison (Acting) DHSFOIAPublicLiaison@hq.dhs.gov
Submit a request to the DHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) by emailing to FOIA.OIG@oig.dhs.gov.
FOIA Public Liaison
DHS-OIG Counsel
STOP 0305
245 Murray Lane, SW
Washington, D.C. 20528-0305
Phone: 202-981-6100 | Fax: 202-245-5217 | E-mail: FOIA.OIG@oig.dhs.gov
Create a DHS SR account to avoid delays.
Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655
Department of Homeland Security
2707 Martin Luther King Jr. AVE SE
Washington, DC 20528-065
Phone: 202-343-1743 or 866-431-0486 | Fax: 202-343-4011 | E-mail: foia@hq.dhs.gov
Public Liaison (Acting) DHSFOIAPublicLiaison@hq.dhs.gov
Submit a request to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) by creating a SecureRelease account.
6595 Springfield Center Drive
Springfield, VA 22150
Phone: 1-866-FOIA-TSA or 571-227-2300 | Fax: 571-227-1406 | E-mail: foia@tsa.dhs.gov
All requests should be submitted electronically through the USCIS FOIA Portal: https://first.uscis.gov/
or mailed to:
National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office
P. O. Box 648010
Lee's Summit, MO 64064-8010
To respond to your FOIA or Privacy Act request as quickly as possible, we strongly encourage you to submit your request electronically.
Additional contact information for questions: Phone: 1-800-375-5283, USCIS Contact Center, or Email: FOIAPAQuestions@uscis.dhs.gov.
USCIS Website
Submit a request to United States Coast Guard (USCG) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Commandant (CG-6P)
2701 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE
Stop 7710
Washington, DC 20593-7710
Phone: 202-475-3522 | Fax: 202-372-8413 | E-mail: efoia@uscg.mil
Submit a request to Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) by creating a SecureRelease account.
Freedom of Information Act Office
500 12th Street, SW, Stop 5009
Washington, D.C. 20536-5009
Phone: 866-633-1182 | Fax: 202-732-4265 | E-mail: ice-foia@ice.dhs.gov
Submit a request to United States Secret Service (USSS) by accessing their FOIA Website.
Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Branch
245 Murray Lane, SW Building T-5
Washington, D.C. 20223
Phone: 202-406-6370 | Fax: 202-406-5586 | E-mail: FOIA@usss.dhs.gov