Fusion Center Performance Program (FCPP) | Homeland Security
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Fusion Center Performance Program (FCPP)

The FCPP provides a picture of the National Network’s performance, helps to measure the effectiveness of FEMA Grant Funding, and guides partners to invest in mission areas with the greatest potential benefit to the entire homeland.

In coordination with its interagency partners, fusion center directors, and other fusion center stakeholders, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) manages the Fusion Center Performance Program (FCPP).

The FCPP provides a picture of the National Network in action; and helps to inform state and local leaders on ways to strengthen fusion center performance, mitigate capability gaps, and justify investment requests, including targeted Investment Justifications associated with the Homeland Security Grant Program.

The FCPP framework consists of three interconnected elements:

  • Measuring the performance of individual fusion centers as well as the National Network as a whole through a structured, standardized Annual Assessment;
  • Hosting and participating in prevention-based exercises that test fusion center capabilities against real-world scenarios; and,
  • Mitigating identified gaps in order to improve performance, and sustain fusion center operations.

Additional Resources

  • The Performance Measures Definitions Guide (PMDG): Provides an overview of the FCPP and defines each performance measure, grouped by their respective output and outcome categories.
  • Fusion Center Annual Assessment Final Reports: An overview of the Assessment Program as well as a collection of past annual assessments.
Last Updated: 11/10/2021
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