How to Join HSIN | Homeland Security
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How to Join the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)

How to Join HSIN HSIN access is based on nomination and acceptance into one or more HSIN communities.

What is a Community?

HSIN Communities are secure, web-based sites tailored to meet the information sharing and operational needs of all Homeland Security partners. They are comprised of HSIN users working within a particular mission area and cover a variety of missions such as emergency management, law enforcement, cybersecurity, intelligence, and border security. 

HSIN uses Communities to tailor site settings and capabilities to partners’ specific needs. These communities are secure, web-based sites that meet the information sharing and operational needs of Homeland Security partners. These communities cover a variety of missions including emergency management, law enforcement, cybersecurity, intelligence, and border security.



In Louisiana, HSIN helps law enforcement agencies catalog and track gang activity across jurisdictional boundaries. The State Analytical and Fusion Exchange (LA-SAFE) works with law enforcement agencies across the state to share detailed information about gangs and gang members. HSIN allows sworn members of law enforcement in this community to access this information when and where they need it. 

KY Derby 

Since 2011, HSIN has played a key role at Churchill Downs and in the greater Louisville metro area, providing situational awareness and supporting interagency coordination to ensure the Kentucky Derby remains a fun, lively event. In the early years of HSIN support for this event, the Community was primarily used by the Joint Emergency Services Unit for real-time information sharing. By 2015, the use of HSIN had expanded and was used as the central information sharing platform for federal, state and local public safety and partner organizations. 


Learn more about how Communities can improve information sharing and examples of how this has been done in the past, join HSIN and review the case studies.

Last Updated: 02/09/2024
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