Requesting Assistance from OIDO | Homeland Security
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Requesting Assistance from the Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman (OIDO)

Our online Case Intake Portal, myOIDO, is available in English and Spanish. Learn more about myOIDO.

Recently released aliens, or representatives, families, and other advocates for those currently detained, can request OIDO’s help. The Office will examine the issues and address the matter as best we can.

  • OIDO can assist with allegations of:
    • Misconduct,
    • Excessive force,
    • Violation of an individual alien's rights, and/or
    • Violations of law, standards of professional conduct, contract terms, or policy related to immigration detention.
  • The alleged incident must have occurred while in DHS immigration detention and been committed by:
    • DHS Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) staff or contractors.

If your situation does not meet these criteria, or to view a list of other ways to provide feedback or file a complaint, visit the “Provide Feedback or Make Complaints to DHS” webpage.

If you do not speak English or Spanish, please see OIDO’s paper Case Intake Form, available in additional languages.

OIDO reviews complaints related to the conditions of immigration detention. It does not address requests to reconsider an alien’s detention, the reasons for detention, the denial of a request for release from immigration detention (including parole), or the standards for release.

Last Updated: 02/21/2025
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