Customer Experience (CX) at DHS | Homeland Security
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Customer Experience (CX) at DHS


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Customer Experience (CX) at DHS

Delivering Customer-focused solutions to better fulfill our mission

DHS interacts with millions of people each day as a part of our mission to safeguard the American people. By placing people at the center of everything we do we can deliver the value, service, and efficiency that the public expects and deserves.

Through customer experience improvements, DHS will effectively reduce administrative burdens, simplify both public-facing and internal processes to improve efficiency, and empower the DHS workforce to solve problems to meet mission goals.

Welcome to CX at DHS! To explore and learn more about our CX mission, use the cards below.

If you are interested in what DHS is doing, head up to the main navigation above. Start here to improve your teams' CX skills.


Last Updated: 03/20/2025
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