On March 26th, 2024, the CX directorate piloted a CX Maturity Workshop. Twenty-three participants from seven Components joined us. Below is a summary of what we are working on now and what we can work on in the future.
Our Key Takeaways:
- CX leaders are advocating for customers, and teams to know their people, both internally and externally. But while leadership support and engagement around CX is increasing, it still isn’t being treated as a high priority.
- Our formalized CX structure is showing growth. The establishment of CX shops is building capacity and community. While we see CX starting to show up in strategic plans, there still isn’t often a budget for CX.
- We need more opportunities to learn about service design. It is sometimes conflated with service delivery.
- Reducing burden is currently driving projects and investment. Many Component teams, such as Passenger Screening at TSA or Global Entry at CPB, have process streamlining and form simplification efforts underway.
Where we are now, what we hope for the future, and ideas for how we’ll get there (by core function).
Note: These ideas for how we'll get there are ideas only and are not the only ones being considered