Building Strong Bonds | Homeland Security
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Building Strong Bonds - Relationship Enhancement Training

Building Strong Bonds (PREP8) is a relationship enhancement course that aims to bolster employee resilience by providing support for positive personal relationships. The PREP8 curriculum is based on more than 30 years of empirical research in the field of relationship health and is customized for DHS employees and their spouses or significant others. 

The benefits of this training have been recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Institute of Mental Health.  Similar training implemented by the military has documented success in lowering divorce and breakup rates, improving communication skills, and providing tips for effectively managing conflict.

PREP8 is designed to help relationships at any stage of development. This course is a good fit for both happy couples and those who are facing relationship challenges.  Any couple who attends this workshop will be able to take away useful tools to enhance their relationship. 

This course is available to any DHS employee and their significant other.  For more information on this training program, including information on finding a scheduled offering or requesting one in your location, please contact the DHS Work-life Program Managers at

Last Updated: 02/03/2023
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