Management Directorate | Homeland Security
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Management Directorate

Key to the success of the Department in bolstering national security is the effectiveness of its workforce. The Management Directorate ensures that the Department’s over 260,000 employees have well-defined responsibilities and that managers and their employees have efficient means of communicating with one another, with other governmental and nongovernmental bodies, and with the public they serve.

The Management Directorate is responsible for:

  • budget, appropriations, expenditure of funds, accounting and finance;
  • procurement; human resources and personnel;
  • information technology systems;
  • biometric identification services;
  • facilities, property, equipment, and other material resources;
  • delivering enterprise wide security solutions to protect the Department's people, information and resources;
  • identification and tracking of performance measurements relating to the responsibilities of the Department; and
  • securing federal infrastructure across the country.
Last Updated: 02/28/2023
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