Office of Intelligence and Analysis Partner Engagement | Homeland Security
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Office of Intelligence and Analysis Partner Engagement

I&A Partner Engagement (PE) manages strategic relationships with key partners, including across federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, private sector, and international stakeholders. I&A PE systematically establishes and leverages these partnerships to facilitate multidirectional intelligence and information sharing; collaborates with key partners to build mutually beneficial relationships; facilitates the identification of partner requirements and needs; facilitates partner access to I&A products, resources, and expertise; and advocates partner equities across I&A in support of their respective Homeland Security missions; and provides program management for the National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Program and Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI).

  • State and Local Engagement

    The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has a robust state and local engagement program, whose mission is to ensure that state and local partners can expeditiously access the capabilities, resources, and expertise necessary to share information and intelligence and serve as full participants in the homeland security intelligence enterprise.

  • Private Sector Engagement

    The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has a robust private sector engagement program, whose mission is to ensure that private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators and private sector decision-makers are equipped with the intelligence and information necessary to better protect themselves, thus increasing the security of the nation’s critical infrastructure.

  • National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Program

    As the threat landscape continues to evolve, the NTER Program empowers our homeland security partners to adapt to new threats and prevent terrorism and targeted violence. The NTER Program advances our partner’s ability to identify, investigate, assess, report and share tips and leads linked to emerging homeland security threats.

Last Updated: 12/13/2021
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