Report Suspicious Activity to Federal Protective Service | Homeland Security
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Report Suspicious Activity to Federal Protective Service

Have you seen something suspicious within a federal building? This site provides contact information for the national MegaCenters across the country.

Federal Protective Service (FPS) Headquarters is located in Washington, D.C. Regional offices are geographically located in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Fort Worth, Kansas City, and Washington, D.C. Other sites include the Far East and the Caribbean.

National Toll Free Number: 1-877-4FPS-411 (1-877-437-7411)

TTY/TDD MegaCenter Numbers by area:

  • Battle Creek MegaCenter: 269-565-9616
  • Philadelphia MegaCenter: 215-521-2225
  • Denver MegaCenter: 877-437-7411

Last Updated: 01/27/2022
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