Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Results and Reports | Homeland Security
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Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Results and Reports

DHS has achieved results for civil rights and civil liberties by:

  • Providing advice and support for integration of civil rights and civil liberties protections into the Department’s immigration-related activities and policies
  • Ensuring that the Department complies with Constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and other requirements relating to civil rights and civil liberties. CRCL does this by assessing the impact of DHS policies and activities, training DHS personnel, and engaging with diverse communities
  • Leading the Department’s efforts to implement proactive and effective programs for equal employment opportunity and diversity
  • Providing policy advice and training throughout the Department
    • Privacy officials at 68 of the 78 fusion centers have received training, continued technical assistance and support. More than 1,000 fusion center staff and liaison officers have been trained since 2009.
    • Strong privacy and civil rights and civil liberties standards have been incorporated into agency cyber security programs and initiatives. DHS provides specific training on the protection of privacy and civil liberties as they relate to computer network security activities to its personnel.

NOTE: Not all of the documents in this section are fully Section 508 compliant. If you have difficulties accessing a file or need assistance, please contact CRCL at 202-401-1474.

Last Updated: 09/10/2024
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