About DHS for a Day | Homeland Security
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About DHS for a Day

The DHS for a Day program is designed to increase public-private collaboration across the country through increased education and awareness activities. Through DHS for a Day events, we build regional and local mutual understanding and trust to enable rapid and effective two-way communications between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the private sector during steady state and during incidents.

The program also provides leaders from across sectors and industries – including businesses, academia, and not-for-profits – with a way to deepen their understanding of the DHS mission and better enable them to meet the public-private shared responsibility for homeland security.

Learn about past DHS for a Day Programs

How to Participate

DHS for a Day participants applications are reviewed and adjudicated by a senior committee from the DHS Private Sector Office. The participant group is selected based on a variety of characteristics including:

  • Knowledge of DHS
  • Area of expertise
  • Private sector diversity
  • Operational relevance for their organization

These criteria help to ensure that a broad spectrum of academia, not-for-profits, organized labor, and small businesses participate. The committee looks to individuals who would benefit from a deeper understanding of the homeland security enterprise, and that will, in turn, help us build the necessary knowledge base and relationships among private sector partners.

For more information on the DHS for a Day program, please e-mail private.sector@dhs.gov.

Last Updated: 01/09/2023
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