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Office of Partnership and Engagement

The Office of Partnership and Engagement (OPE) mission is to ensure a unified approach to external engagement through coordination of the Department of Homeland Security’s outreach efforts with critical stakeholders nationwide.  OPE partners and conducts strategic engagements and outreach with state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT) governments, elected officials, the private sector, faith-based and mission driven organizations, academia, and communities. OPE advocates and represents interests of these stakeholders through the Department’s policy making process and serves as a conduit for the Secretary to engage with stakeholders and to share information. Additionally, OPE oversees five (5) advisory councils: the Homeland Security Advisory Council, the Tribal Homeland Security Advisory Council, the Faith-based Security Advisory Council, the Homeland Security Academic Partnership Council and the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board.

Last Updated: 01/31/2025
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