Private Sector Office | Homeland Security
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Private Sector Office

The Private Sector Office (PSO) is organized into five primary portfolio areas aligned with the Department’s priorities:

Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention

Unity of Effort in Counterterrorism: In coordination with various offices and Components across the Department, PSO facilitates and leads local and federal-level engagement in support of DHS counterterrorism and threat prevention efforts.

Border Management

Engagement on Trade, Travel, and Immigration: PSO engages with associations, and global and domestic businesses to incorporate their perspective and best practices into policies facilitating lawful trans-border travel, trade, and immigration matters.

Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure

Unified and Enhanced Engagement with the Stakeholder Community: PSO develops strategic engagement plans to build awareness and trust with the private sector and amplifies efforts to deploy effective cybersecurity tools and capabilities to increase the security and resilience of critical infrastructure.

National Preparedness and Resilience

Providing Private Sector Insight to the Department: PSO advances Departmental initiatives promoting private sector preparedness and leverages the private sector’s views and expertise in informing policy.  PSO also acts as a liaison between the business community and DHS agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during natural disasters and other critical incidents.

Workforce Enhancement

Innovation: PSO coordinates industry efforts regarding Department functions to identify private sector resources that could be effective in supplementing government efforts. PSO originated and executes the Loaned Executive Program providing the opportunity for executive-level private sector, academia, and cybersecurity experts to share their expertise with the Department.

Last Updated: 07/19/2024
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