Migrant Protection Protocols (Biden Administration Archive) | Homeland Security
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Migrant Protection Protocols (Biden Administration Archive - February 2021)

DHS Terminates MPP and Continues to Process Individuals Who Were Enrolled in MPP Into the United States to Complete Their Immigration Proceedings

On June 01, 2021, following careful review of the program as directed by President Biden in Executive Order 14010, the Secretary of Homeland Security terminated the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program. This announcement does not impact the processing of MPP-enrolled individuals into the United States as described below.

On February 19, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) began processing into the United States certain individuals who had been returned to Mexico under the MPP program and had pending cases before the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). In its continued efforts to restore safe and orderly processing at the Southwest Border, DHS is now expanding the eligible pool of MPP-enrolled individuals for such processing. Beginning June 23, 2021, DHS is expanding eligibility for U.S. processing to also include MPP enrollees who had their cases terminated or who were ordered removed in absentia (i.e., individuals ordered removed while not present at their hearings).

Individuals who believe they may be eligible for processing should stay where they are currently located. Registration is available online through https://conecta.acnur.org, and there is no need to approach or cross any borders to access this process.

We strongly discourage anyone from approaching the U.S. border without proper documentation or instructions to present themselves at a specific port of entry. Individuals who attempt to cross illegally are putting themselves and their families at risk, especially during a global pandemic.

Last Updated: 01/24/2023
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