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News Archive

Archive of press releases, blog posts, fact sheets, speeches, and testimony.

  • Chief Privacy Officer Appointed

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced her appointment of Mary Ellen Callahan as the department's Chief Privacy Officer.
  • Secretary Napolitano Issues Bold Efficiency Review Initiative

    Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano announced a department-wide action directive challenging every agency, component and office to generate new efficiencies and to promote greater accountability, transparency and customer satisfaction.

  • Housing Assistance Extension for Katrina and Rita States

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) temporary housing program for Katrina and Rita individuals and families may, at the request of a state, be extended for an additional 60 days until May 1, 2009. The Katrina/Rita direct housing mission is currently scheduled to end on March 1, 2009.
  • $5.8 Million in Disaster Loans Approved For Iowa

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that it has approved approximately $5.8 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community Disaster Loans (CDL) for Iowa, including the maximum $5 million loan amount for Cedar Rapids. These funds will be used to assist five Iowa communities as they continue to recover from 2008 flooding.

  • Secretary Napolitano's Statement on Rand Beers as Acting Deputy Secretary

    Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Rand Beers as Acting Deputy Secretary effective February 11, 2009, and continuing until Jane Holl Lute has been confirmed as Deputy Secretary.

  • Secretary Napolitano Tours 3 States

    Secretary Napolitano will tour Kentucky, Kansas and Iowa next week during her first trip as Secretary, observing the continuing federal response to regional ice storms and focusing on preparation for the upcoming flood and tornado seasons.

  • Statement on Secretary Napolitano's Travel to the Midwest

    Statement by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Spokesman Sean Smith on Secretary Napolitano's travel to the midwest including a visit to Kentucky to assess the ongoing ongoing emergency response and recovery efforts.
  • Napolitano Appoints Schriro Special Advisor on ICE, Detention & Removal

    Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano appointed Dora Schriro as her Special Advisor on Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Detention & Removal, a new position focusing on the significant growth in immigration detention over the last five years and ICE's arrest priorities.

Last Updated: 11/23/2021
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