CX Events | Homeland Security
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An official website of the United States government

CX Events

Check out our live and virtual events below!

  • Accessibility Day

    Illustration showing five people with icons representing a discussion on what user research is.

    A two-day event showcasing the latest accessibility trends and best practices on accessibility and customer experience.

  • Support Hours

    An image of several people inserting files into a filing cabinet and looking at documents

    A weekly meeting for CX practitioners to discuss relevant topics and current challenges.



    Contact the DHS CX Teams for an invite!

  • CX Community of Practice

    An image of a person in a yellow shirt, communicating via desktop computer

    Join our monthly CoP meetings to connect with CX professionals and hear about CX practices from guest speakers.


    Contact the DHS CX Team for an invite!

Last Updated: 06/10/2024
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