Global Trade provides oversight and support for investigations of the nation’s import and export laws to promote national security; protect the public’s health and safety; stop predatory and illegal trade practices; and prevent terrorists, foreign entities, and criminal organizations from illegally trafficking weapons of mass destruction and transferring critical technology and arms to restricted or prohibited persons, groups, or nations.
Global Trade includes:
- The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) and the Export Enforcement Coordination Center (E2C2), which are at the forefront of the federal government’s response to combatting global intellectual property theft and the enforcement of U.S. international trade laws.
- The Counterproliferation Investigations Program, which prevents illicit procurement networks, terrorist groups, and hostile nations from illegally obtaining U.S. military products, sensitive dual-use technology, weapons of mass destruction, and/or chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials.
- HSI’s investigative programs that focus on intellectual property theft, trade fraud, and forced labor.