Invent2Prevent | Homeland Security
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What is Invent2Prevent?

Targeted violence and terrorism tactics continue to evolve. It takes all of us working together to keep our communities safe.

Invent2Prevent (I2P) is a DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) experiential learning program that empowers high school and college students to design, implement, and measure the success of creative solutions to prevent threats in their schools and communities.

I2P gives students a platform to turn ideas into action, making a real, measurable difference. Projects don't just remain concepts - they drive positive change and strengthen resilience across the nation.

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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties

CP3 prioritizes privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties within DHS legal authorities and policy. CP3 works to ensure that its programs include fundamental constitutional and legal protections. CP3 does not engage in widespread data collection or activities like law enforcement investigations or intelligence gathering. CP3 does not engage in censorship or encourage or facilitate any censorship. Government censorship of viewpoints not only infringes on individuals’ constitutional rights, but it is also an ineffective tactic to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.

Last Updated: 01/23/2025
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