The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) developed USCIS RAILS (not an acronym) to enable DHS and USCIS authorized personnel to request immigration files; electronically maintain an accurate file inventory; and track the location of paper and electronic immigration record content using a web-based system. RAILS allows DHS users to order, transfer, and receive official paper and electronic immigration records associated with an A-Number or receipt number. USCIS is updating the RAILS Privacy Impact Assessment to identify new uses of the system: Person Centrix Query Service (PCQS) and IMPACT (not an acronym), through Enterprize Citizenship and Immigration Services Centralized Operational Repository (eCISCOR), and the new connections to the following USCIS systems: Person Centric Identity Services (PCIS), USCIS Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Immigration Records System (FIRST), and Content Management Services (CMS). This Privacy Impact Assessment Update also identifies the purpose, use, and sharing information related to A-Files with external connections to the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) Archival Records Center Information System (ARCIS) and Iron Mountain's (IRM) Records Manager system.