Office of Public Affairs | Homeland Security
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Office of Public Affairs

Logo for the DHS Office of Public Affairs

The Office of Public Affairs coordinates the public affairs activities of all of the Department’s components and offices, and serves as the federal government’s lead public information office during a national emergency or disaster.

To do this, the Office of Public Affairs...

  • Communicates the Department’s operational and policy successes to the American people;
  • Provides strategic counsel to senior leadership using best practices for communicating public information;
  • Educates and empowers Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural disasters and terrorist or domestic violence attacks;
  • Strengthens incident communications for the Federal Government to ensure that information related to domestic incidents is gathered and provided to the public;
  • Fosters employee communications and build commitment to the Department’s mission among all employees;
  • Provides governance, policy direction and management oversight of the agency’s enterprise public websites, digital services, and social media accounts; 
  • Manages the daily operations of to provide a consolidated resource for priority topics in a unified voice; 
  • Regularly provides current/updated subject matter expertise and communication materials to key stakeholders and non-government partners necessary in supporting DHS’ mission objectives;
  • Creates, produces and disseminates high quality video productions to clearly communicate messages to an intended audience; and
  • Provides access to DHS and its Component agencies to studios/networks/productions.

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Led by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Tricia McLaughlin, the DHS Office of Public Affairs is comprised of the following:

Last Updated: 02/27/2025
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