Preserve and Uphold the Nation's Prosperity and Economic Security | Homeland Security
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Preserve and Uphold the Nation's Prosperity and Economic Security

Traffic at a border patrol check point

America’s prosperity and economic security are integral to DHS’s homeland security operations, which affect international trade, national transportation systems, maritime activities and resources, and financial systems. In many ways, these pre-DHS legacy functions are just as much a part of DHS’s culture as its counterterrorism, border security, immigration, cybersecurity, and emergency management responsibilities. Similarly, many DHS activities that advance this important element of homeland security affect the American public just as much as DHS’s core security functions. Accordingly, DHS continues to advance these critical operations while exploring new opportunities to better serve the American public.

The Department of Homeland Security's prosperity and economic security responsibilities focus on four goals:

Last Updated: 10/24/2023
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