Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience | Homeland Security
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Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience

Property destruction due to a hurricane The United States will never be completely impervious to present and emerging threats and hazards across the homeland security mission space. Preparedness is a shared responsibility across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; the private sector; non-governmental organizations; and the American people.

Some incidents will surpass the capabilities of communities, so the Federal Government must remain capable of responding to natural disasters, physical and cyber attacks, weapons of mass destruction attacks, critical infrastructure disruptions, and search and rescue distress signals. Following disasters, the Federal Government must be prepared to support local communities with long-term recovery assistance. The United States can effectively manage emergencies and mitigate the harm to American communities by thoroughly preparing local communities, rapidly responding during crises, and supporting recovery.

The Department of Homeland Security's preparedness and resilience responsibilities focus on four goals:

Last Updated: 02/23/2022
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