Beyond the Border Action Plan: Statement of Privacy Principles by the United States and Canada | Homeland Security
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Beyond the Border Action Plan: Statement of Privacy Principles by the United States and Canada


Recognizing that greater information sharing between Canada and the United States is vital to protecting the security of our citizens and that our countries have a long history of sharing personal information responsibly and respecting our separate Constitutional and legal frameworks that protect privacy,

Recognizing that Canada and the United States are committed to protecting privacy in all Beyond the Border (BTB) arrangements and initiatives undertaken by our two countries and specifically to stating the privacy protection principles that are to inform and guide all BTB information sharing arrangements and initiatives,

Noting that the implementation of these Principles may be tailored to the specific context of particular BTB arrangements and initiatives, but always in a manner consistent with the Principles,

Recognizing that any exceptions from principles that may be required in the context of particular BTB arrangements for law enforcement and national security purposes will be as few as possible, made known to both the United States and Canada and the public, and consistent with domestic law, and

Recognizing that personal information is to be provided, received and used only in accordance with domestic and international law applicable to the United States and Canada.

The United States and Canada set forth the following Statement of Privacy Principles concerning the provision, receipt and use of personal information exchanged by the United States and Canada pursuant to any BTB information sharing arrangements and initiatives.

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Last Updated: 05/26/2022
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