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The DHS Privacy Office is responsible for evaluating the Department programs, systems, and initiatives for potential privacy impacts, and providing strategies to reduce the privacy impact.
DHS/ALL/PIA-060 Application Authentication System (AppAuth)
The Application Authentication System (AppAuth) is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enterprise system developed and operated by the DHS Headquarters Information Sharing and Services Office (IS2O). AppAuth is a DHS single sign-on enterprise authentication service, which provides a uniform authentication service based on Microsoft’s Active Directory services.
DHS/CISA/PIA-039 CISA Overseas Support Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Stakeholder Engagement Division (SED) has created the CISA Overseas Support Program (OSP) to serve as a focal point for international collaboration between CISA, host country government officials, and other federal agency officials.
DHS/ICE/PIA-043 SharePoint Matter Tracking Systems
ICE uses SharePoint as a matter tracking solution, allowing ICE program offices that do not have other matter tracking systems to more effectively manage the receipt, creation, assignment, tracking, and archiving of agency matters.
DHS/OIG/PIA-005 Classified Data Forensics Workstation
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for conducting and supervising independent and objective audits, inspections, and investigations of DHS’s programs and operations. The DHS OIG Office of Investigations (INV) will operate a stand-alone Classified Data Forensics Workstation (CDFW) to assist with OIG’s investigative mission.
Chief Privacy Officer Instruction 047-01-004
Privacy Policy & Compliance Instruction
DHS/FEMA/PIA-035 Customer Satisfaction Analysis System (CSAS)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is conducting this PIA because CSAS stores personally identifiable information (PII) from FEMA employees and members of the public in order to conduct CSA’s customer service satisfaction assessments.
DPIAC October Meeting Materials
Materials for the October 17, 2024, DPIAC meeting
DHS/USSS/PIA-033 USSS Use of Facial Recognition Technology
The United States Secret Service (USSS or Secret Service) is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) because Secret Service personnel may use facial recognition technology (FRT) during law enforcement activities that fall within Secret Service’s jurisdiction.
DHS/S&T/PIA-045 Public Safety and Violence Prevention (PSVP) Research
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) funds a social and behavioral science research portfolio on public safety and violence prevention (PSVP) that supports the DHS Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence Strategic Framework and the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
DHS/CBP/PIA-080 CBP Commercial Telemetry Data Evaluation
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to describe its evaluation of commercially available location data associated with mobile smart devices (“commercial telemetry data”) for a period between December 2018 and September 2023.