Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing with Canada | Homeland Security
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DHS/CBP/PIA-023 Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing with Canada


Under this program, DHS makes certain biographic information from its systems of records available to the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) via query through the State Department’s Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS).  CIC and CBSA will use the information to assist in the administration and enforcement of Canada’s immigration laws. Similarly, CIC and CBSA will make certain biographic information from the Global Case Management System (GCMS), which is Canada’s system used to process applications for citizenship and immigration services, available to DHS via query through CLASS. DHS will use this information to assist in the administration and enforcement of the United States’ immigration laws. This Privacy Impact Assessment provides notice to the public regarding the information sharing and resulting privacy impacts of the Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing program.

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DHS/CBP/PIA-023 Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing with Canada (BVIIS), February 10, 2014 PDF 1.98 MB
Last Updated: 09/07/2022
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