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DHS Commercial Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Resources


The Department of Homeland Security issued policy to enable and encourage responsible use of commercial GenAI tools at DHS to ensure we continuously adapt to the future of work. Part of responsible use at DHS is considering how using these tools might impact privacy considerations. DHS considered these privacy impacts and appropriate mitigations in a privacy impact assessment (PIA). Additionally, the Department’s policy establishes guidelines for the use of commercial GenAI tools by DHS personnel. The policy provides specific requirements and use limitations designed to safeguard data and protect privacy and individual rights. It also lays out a process for obtaining approval to use GenAI tools that includes the completion of training on the responsible use of AI and agreeing to follow rules of behavior when using these tools.   

View the Department’s policy and PIA, and other resources about the responsible use of commercial GenAI tools at DHS below. 

For more information or specific questions contact us at

Attachment Ext. Size Date
139-07 Use of Commercial Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools PDF 360.3 KB 11/14/2023
DHS/ALL/PIA-097 Use of Conditionally Approved Commercial Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools PDF 524.33 KB 03/11/2025
Training for DHS Personnel - Commercial GenAI Acceptable Use at DHS PDF 643.5 KB 02/26/2024
Commercial GenAI Interim Rules of Behavior for DHS Personnel PDF 339.89 KB 03/04/2024
Terms of Service - OpenAI Amendment for Department of Homeland Security Users PDF 236.87 KB 03/01/2024
Terms of Service - Grammarly Amendment for Department of Homeland Security Users PDF 501.49 KB 02/29/2024
Terms of Service – Anthropic Amendments for the Department of Homeland Security Users PDF 339.88 KB 04/08/2024
Last Updated: 05/21/2024
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