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Department of Homeland Security Federal Information Sharing Environment Privacy and Civil Liberties Policy


The Federal Information Sharing Environment (ISE) is designed to facilitate the sharing of terrorism and homeland security information among all relevant entities through the combination of information sharing policies, procedures, and technologies. The ISE helps to combat terrorism and protecting information privacy in the course of increased information access and collaboration across and among ISE participants. The President's program manager for the ISE issued the ISE guidelines to ensure that the information privacy and other legal rights of Americans are protected in the development and use of the ISE which require relevant entities to have a written privacy protection policy that is at least as comprehensive as these guidelines. This document constitutes the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal ISE Privacy and Civil Liberties Protection Policy.

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Privacy and Civil Liberties Policy Guidance Memorandum PDF 265.89 KB
Last Updated: 09/01/2022
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