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DHS/ALL/PIA-046 DHS Data Framework


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Data Services Branch (DSB) (previously known as Data Framework) is a Departmental program that offers data hosting, data analytics and advanced data services. The DSB provides capabilities to support advanced data architecture, data management and governance processes, and customized data services to DHS Headquarters (HQ) and operational Components to support priority missions and operational management. The DSB is chartered to establish, operate, and maintain an online analytical processing platform called Neptune. Neptune provides controlled access to DHS data in the unclassified environment across the Department. Neptune allows approved users to host, link, analyze, or share data securely and confidently across the Department.

DHS is updating and re-issuing this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) as a result of the DHS Data Framework Act of 2018. This PIA covers the overall approach and use of the program, and consolidates DHS/ALL/PIA-046 DHS Data Framework and subsequent updates; DHS/ALL/PIA-046-1 Neptune and subsequent updates; DHS/ALL/PIA-046-2 Common Entity Index Prototype and subsequent updates; and DHS/ALL/PIA-046-3 Cerberus and subsequent updates. As DHS further develops the DSB, this PIA and its Appendices will be updated. January 2021


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DHS/ALL/PIA-046 DHS Data Framework – January 2021 – Appendix Update June 2024 PDF 864.1 KB 06/25/2024
Last Updated: 06/25/2024
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