DHS-FEMA-PIA-034(a) Electronic Fingerprint System | Homeland Security
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DHS-FEMA-PIA-034(a) Electronic Fingerprint System


FEMA’s Office of the Chief Security Officer (OSCO) is updating and replacing the original Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) dated September 24, 2013.  FEMA OCSO uses the Electronic Fingerprint System (EFS) as part of the security suitability, clearance, and badging process for FEMA employees, contractors, and affiliates.  FEMA is conducting a PIA update because EFS collects personally identifiable information, and now uses the National Protection and Programs Directorate’s Office of Biometric Identity Management’s (OBIM) Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) to store fingerprints as a part of its background investigations.

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Last Updated: 09/07/2022
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