DHS/ICE/PIA-039 Acquisition and Use of License Plate Reader Data from a Commercial Service | Homeland Security
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DHS/ICE/PIA-039 Acquisition and Use of License Plate Reader Data from a Commercial Service


In 2017, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) procured query-based access to a vendor-owned commercial License Plate Reader (LPR) data service that stores recorded vehicle license plate data from cameras equipped with LPR technology. ICE uses LPR data from this service in support of administrative and criminal law enforcement missions. In March 2015, ICE published a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) announcing the intention to procure access to a commercial LPR database. In December 2017, ICE updated this PIA indicating that ICE had entered into a contract with a vendor to provide ICE Offices of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) access to an LPR database operated by a commercial partner.

Both the 2015 and 2017 PIAs describe privacy and civil liberties compliance through ICE-implemented controls. ICE is updating this PIA to document enhanced LPR functionality that will be available to select authorized ICE personnel, including: (i) geographic query – conducting a query with-in a specified geographic area (HSI personnel only); (ii) plate partial query; and (iii) and the mobile application with phone scan feature (collectively referred to as “enhanced LPR functionality” throughout this PIA). This update further explains ICE’s operational use of these capabilities and associated privacy risks. May 2021

Associated SORN(s)

  • DHS/ICE–011 Criminal Arrest Records and Immigration Enforcement Records (CARIER)
  • DHS/ICE–009 External Investigations
Attachment Ext. Size Date
DHS/ICE/PIA-039(b) Acquisition and Use of License Plate Reader (LPR) Data from a Commercial Service - May 2021 PDF 467.91 KB 05/21/2021
DHS/ICE/PIA-039(a) Acquisition and Use of License Plate Reader (LPR) Data from a Commercial Service - December 2017 PDF 223.19 KB 12/27/2017
DHS/ICE/PIA-039 Acquisition and Use of License Plate Reader Data from a Commercial Service - March 2015 PDF 201.59 KB 03/19/2015
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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