DHS/ALL/PIA-063 Drug-Free Workplace Program | Homeland Security
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DHS/ALL/PIA-063 Drug-Free Workplace Program


The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Program was established by Executive Order (EO) 12,564 on September 15, 1986, to address illegal drug use by federal employees. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) oversees the departmental Drug-Free Workplace (DFW) program, and developed and implemented a comprehensive DFW program that includes the Components developing their own DFW plans that conform to DHS policies. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) outlines the collection and use of the personally identifiable information (PII) of current employees and applicants who are selected for employment at DHS and subject to the requirements of the DHS DFW program. January 2018

Associated SORN(s)

  • DHS/ALL-022 Department of Homeland Security Drug-Free Workplace
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DHS/ALL/PIA-063 Drug-Free Workplace Program - January 2018 PDF 259.34 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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