DHS/ALL/PIA-075 Workforce Analytics and Employee Records | Homeland Security
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DHS/ALL/PIA-075 Workforce Analytics and Employee Records


Workforce Analytics and Employee Records is a Federal Human Capital Business Function whereby federal agencies implement a systematic process to review workforce and performance data, metrics, and results. Federal agencies conduct these reviews in an effort to anticipate and plan for future strategic and operational requirements and to make holistically informed Human Capital Management decisions. Specifically, federal human capital organizations generate evidence-based metrics to support decision-making concerning recruitment, staffing, training, and workforce development. The Workforce Analytics and Employee Records Business Function also facilitates compensation and benefits modeling, as well as the application of statistical models on such human resources (HR) issues as retention rates, time to on-board, retirement trends, and employee engagement. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) because the systems and data sources that support Workforce Analytics and Employee Records at DHS collect, use, store, and transmit personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive personally identifiable information (SPII). September 2019

Associated SORN(s)

  • OPM/GOVT-1 General Personnel Records
  • OPM/GOVT-2 Employee Performance File System Records
  • DHS/ALL-003 Department of Homeland Security General Training Records
  • DHS/ALL-019 Department of Homeland Security Payroll, Personnel, and Time and Attendance Records
  • DHS/ALL-023 Personnel Security Management
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DHS/ALL/PIA-075 Workforce Analytics and Employee Records - September 2019 PDF 319.15 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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