DHS/CBP/PIA-055 HRM 5000 | Homeland Security
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DHS/CBP/PIA-055 HRM 5000


The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Human Resources Management (HRM) has selected contract support to improve and streamline the recruiting, hiring, and personnel security processes for CBP “Frontline” positions, including U.S. Border Patrol Agents, CBP Officers, and Air and Marine Interdiction Agents. HRM 5000 is CBP’s contract with Accenture Federal Services (AFS) LLC. This contract addresses surge hiring to support the President’s Executive Order for an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents (BPA). It will also be used to support the hiring of additional law enforcement positions within the Office of Air and Marine and the Office of Field Operations. CBP is publishing this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) because HRM 5000 requires AFS to collect, use, and retain personally identifiable information (PII) belonging to members of the public on behalf of CBP, as well as to identify and mitigate privacy concerns associated with the program as a whole. July 2018

Associated SORN(s):

  • DHS/CBP-025 National Frontline Recruitment and Hiring System
  • OPM/GOVT-5 Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records
  • DHS/ALL-002 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Mailing and Other Lists System
Attachment Ext. Size Date
DHS/CBP/PIA-055 HRM 5000 - July 2018 - Appendix Updated May 2020 PDF 423.94 KB 05/06/2020
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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