DHS/CBP/PIA-056 Traveler Verification Service | Homeland Security
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DHS/CBP/PIA-056 Traveler Verification Service


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is congressionally mandated to deploy a biometric entry/exit system to record arrivals and departures to and from the United States. Following several years of testing and pilots, CBP has successfully operationalized and deployed facial recognition technology, now known as the Traveler Verification Service (TVS), to support comprehensive biometric entry and exit procedures in the air, land, and sea environments. CBP has issued Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) documenting each new phase of TVS testing and deployment. CBP is now issuing this comprehensive PIA to a) consolidate all previously issued PIAs and b) provide notice to the public about how TVS collects and uses personally identifiable information (PII). CBP is conducting this overarching, comprehensive PIA for the TVS that will replace all previous PIAs and provide a consolidated privacy risk assessment for TVS. November 2018

Associated SORN(s):

  • DHS/CBP-007 Border Crossing Information
  • DHS/CBP-021 Arrival and Departure Information System
  • DHS/CBP-006 Automated Targeting System
  • DHS/CBP-011 U.S. Customs and Border Protection TECS

Related PIAs

Current PIAs/Updates

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DHS/CBP/PIA-056 Traveler Verification Service - November 2018 PDF 676.08 KB 02/08/2021
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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