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DHS/FEMA/PIA-033-Deployment Qualifications Program


FEMA’s Office of Response and Recovery, Response Directorate, Incident Workforce Management Office (IWMO) Deployment Unit, maintains the FEMA Qualification System (FQS), a set of performance measures and criteria used to establish and evaluate disaster response and recovery personnel competency. To assign and qualify deployment personnel, FEMA leverages the FQS doctrine with the Automated Deployment Database (ADD), Learning Management System (LMS), Enterprise Data Warehouse/Operational Data Store (EDW/ODS), and the Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Incident Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS), to track job titles, certifications, and training of participants in FEMA’s deployment programs. FEMA is conducting this Privacy Impact Assessment because, in conjunction with FQS, FEMA collects, uses, maintains, retrieves, and disseminates personally identifiable information through ADD and other systems, and shares it with DOI/BLM for the purpose of qualifying disaster response and recovery personnel for deployment.  August 16, 2013, (PDF, 190 KB, 15 pages). 

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Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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