DHS/ICE/PIA-036 – OPLA Case Management System | Homeland Security
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DHS/ICE/Privacy Impact Assessmment-036 – OPLA Case Management System


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) is establishing a new information system called OCMS, which is a case and document management system supporting the general legal work and specialized immigration court litigation performed by OPLA personnel.  OCMS is replacing OPLA’s existing case management system, the General Counsel Electronic Management System.  Because OCMS collects and processes personally identifiable information on federal employees, aliens, and members of the public, ICE is conducting this privacy impact assessment to assess the privacy issues associated with the collection, maintenance, and use of this information.  June 26, 2013

Appendix Update May 2017

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Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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