DHS/ICE/PIA-051 Law Enforcement Information Sharing Service (LEIS Service) | Homeland Security
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DHS/ICE/PIA-051 Law Enforcement Information Sharing Service (LEIS Service)


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) owns and operates the Law Enforcement Information Sharing Service (LEIS Service or Service). The LEIS Service enables domestic law enforcement agencies outside of DHS to query certain information contained in DHS systems, and also permits authorized DHS law enforcement officials and analysts to query data from other law enforcement entities that have signed agreements with DHS to use the Service. All entities querying the LEIS Service must have a signed agreement. The LEIS Service is a non-public facing web service that functions as a back-end super highway data sharing system. The LEIS Service was previously described in a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) update published in 2011 under the ICE Pattern Analysis and Information Collection (ICEPIC) system. In 2012, ICEPIC was replaced by the DHS Pattern and Information Collaboration Sharing System (DPICS2), which was subsequently retired in 2014. Since that time, the LEIS Service has been operating independently. ICE is issuing this PIA to discuss the privacy risks and mitigations with collecting, using, disseminating, and storing information related to the LEIS Service. Once this PIA is issued, the previous PIA will be retired. June 2019

Associated SORN(s)

  • DHS/CBP-011 TECS
  • DHS/ICE-011 Criminal Arrest Records and Immigration Enforcement Records (CARIER)
  • DHS/ALL-041 External Biometric Records (EBR)
  • The forthcoming DHS-wide Enterprise Biometric Administrative Records (EBAR)
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DHS/ICE/PIA-051 Law Enforcement Information Sharing Service (LEIS Service) - June 2019 PDF 540.02 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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