DHS/OBIM/PIA-004 Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System (HART) Increment 1 | Homeland Security
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DHS/OBIM/PIA-004 Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System (HART) Increment 1


When it reaches operational capability, the Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) will replace the legacy Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) as the primary U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) system for storage and processing of biometric and associated biographic information for national security; law enforcement; immigration and border management; intelligence; background investigations for national security positions and certain positions of public trust; and associated testing, training, management reporting, planning and analysis, development of new technologies, and other administrative use.

While HART is not yet operational, the Department is issuing this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) update to (1) enhance transparency about the anticipated categories of individuals whose data will be stored in HART (foreign nationals and U.S. citizens); (2) broadly describe HART’s anticipated users and information sharing partners and identify new HART information sharing partners; (3) describe how the HART system is now expected to be developed —HART no longer has four increments as previously envisioned—HART will consist of Increment 1 and Future Capabilities; and (4) clarify that DHS Components may use certain other DHS Component collected fingerprints maintained in HART to query foreign partners with which it has an Information Sharing and Access Agreement (ISAA), consistent with DHS policy, and under broader DHS authorities or its own authorities. August 2024

Associated SORN(s):

  • DHS/ALL-041 External Biometric Records (EBR)
  • DHS/ALL-043 Enterprise Biometric Administrative Records (EBAR)
Attachment Ext. Size Date
DHS/OBIM/PIA-004(a) Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System (HART) - August 2024 PDF 420.85 KB 08/26/2024
DHS/OBIM/PIA-004 Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System (HART) Increment 1 - February 2020 PDF 506.19 KB 05/01/2020
Last Updated: 08/26/2024
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