DHS/USCG/PIA-024 Direct Access | Homeland Security
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DHS/USCG/PIA-024 Direct Access


Direct Access is the primary system for Human Resources and payroll for over 50,000 Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, Department of Health and Human Services, United States Public Health Service, and Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration active duty and reserve personnel. It also provides human resources and pay support to a customer base of approximately 68,000 U.S. Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration retirees, annuitants and Former Spouse Protection Act recipients, while providing non-pay customer service support to an additional 2,500 personnel.

November 2016

Associated SORNs

DHS/USCG-014, Military Pay and Personnel System of Records Notice

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DHS/USCG/PIA-024 Direct Access PDF 285.55 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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