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DHS/USCIS/PIA-040 Center Adjudication System Electronic Processing


USCIS developed this system to assist with the adjudication of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) filings. CasePro electronically organizes and reviews incoming filings, identifies approvable cases, automates the adjudication of some cases which meet filing requirements, and routes filings requiring additional review to the manual resolution process. USCIS conducted this PIA to describe how CasePro collects, uses, and maintains PII.

February 2014

SORN:  DHS-USCIS-007 Benefits Information System

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DHS/USCIS/PIA-040 Center Adjudication System Electronic Processing PDF 184.73 KB
CasePro Appendix A, February 2014 PDF 121.38 KB
Last Updated: 03/31/2023
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