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Facilitating Private Sector Engagement with Fusion Centers


This fact sheet provides private sector partners with an overview of how their organization can best collaborate with the fusion center in their local area.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognizes the essential role that the nation’s private sector partners play in contributing to our national and economic security and resilience. To build a stronger and more effective collaborative effort that improves the security and resilience of our communities, DHS includes the private sector as a key stakeholder constituency in the “homeland security enterprise.” This information serves as a primer for private sector partners, including critical infrastructure owners and operators, businesses, colleges and universities, nongovernmental organizations, nonprofit groups, and other partners looking to initiate and maintain a formal relationship with the fusion center in their area.

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Building Law Enforcement and Homeland Security Partnerships

Office of Intelligence & Analysis

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Last Updated: 05/17/2022
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