FY22 TVTP Notice of Funding Opportunity | Homeland Security
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FY22 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity


The TVTP Grant Program seeks to support the development of local prevention programs and online prevention capabilities. The objectives of the TVTP Grant Program align with the objectives of developing local prevention frameworks:

  • Raising awareness of all aspects of why and how individuals radicalize to violence;
  • Ensuring members of the local community are equipped and empowered to engage the broadest set of local stakeholders;
  • Ensuring members of the local community have access to multi-disciplinary threat assessment and management teams;
  • Ensuring members of the local community have the ability to act on their awareness training by knowing how to contact – and understanding the role of – threat assessment and management teams; and
  • Ensuring the local community has programs that address risk factors while also providing services supporting threat management approaches.
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FY22 TVTP NOFO PDF 747.23 KB 04/12/2022
Last Updated: 04/12/2022
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