Priorities for DHS Engagement on Subsea Cable Security & Resilience | Homeland Security
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Priorities for DHS Engagement on Subsea Cable Security & Resilience


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans (PLCY) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), convened a group of representatives from the Departments of Defense, Justice, Commerce, Treasury, State, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Intelligence Community to hold a series of engagements with industry stakeholders in the subsea telecommunications cable sector. 

This paper outlines key findings from these industry engagements and identifies areas where DHS will focus its near-term efforts to improve coordination on cable issues. DHS, through similar interagency engagements and its statutory authorities that convene critical infrastructure owners and operators, will continue to engage the subsea cable industry to strengthen the security and resilience of these systems. DHS values its relationships with industry stakeholders to ensure mutual understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the cable industry and U.S. national security.

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Priorities for DHS Engagement on Subsea Cable Security & Resilience PDF 3.16 MB 12/18/2024
Last Updated: 12/18/2024
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