Roles and Responsibilities Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure | Homeland Security
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Roles and Responsibilities Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure


On November 14, 2024 DHS released the “Roles and Responsibilities Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure” (“Framework”). This first-of-its kind collaboration with industry and civil society recommends new guidance to advance the responsible use of AI in America’s critical infrastructure.

The recommendations were developed by and for entities at each layer of the AI supply chain: cloud and computer providers, AI developers, and critical infrastructure owners and operators – as well as the civil society and public sector entities that protect and advocate for consumers.  

This product is the culmination of considerable dialogue and debate among the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board (the Board), a public-private advisory committee established by DHS, who identified the need for clear guidance on how each layer of the AI supply chain can do their part to ensure that AI is deployed safely and securely in U.S. critical infrastructure. The report complements other work carried out by the Administration on AI safety, such as the guidance from the AI Safety Institute, on managing a wide range of misuse and accident risks.  

Read the press release on the Framework.

  • DHS plays a critical role in ensuring artificial intelligence (AI) safety and security nationwide. The Department uses AI responsibly to advance its homeland security mission while protecting the privacy and individual rights of the American public.

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Roles and Responsibilities Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure PDF 3.78 MB 11/14/2024
Last Updated: 01/23/2025
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